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Ah, serbs and their glorious religion. These guys are brainwashed on the same level as islamic extremists.
Serbs are like the orthodox version of Isis
>Dua sounds like a brand of washing machine
My guy you’re named after the most famous Italian plumber known to man
As long as we do not share those Islamophobic opinions as well then there’s no problem.
When Albanians speak like that, knowing full well that 99% of their Muslim relatives are 100% like them, that’s where the problem starts.
If we do not share those opinions, then what’s the problem with the name Dua? Absolutely nothing. What would be the difference if it was the name Maria? Absolutely nothing.
In our history the church advocated for the slaughtering of Albanian kids, so if this stuff is important (it is not) then Dua is better
“Dua” ne shqip nuk e ka te njejtin kuptim sikur “dua” ne arabisht. Dhe emni “Dua” ne shqip u popullarizu mas Dua Lipas e cila vet kur pytet per kuptimin e emnit te saj e shpjegon kuptimin shqiptar e jo ate arab. Pse e ke perfshi ne postim shpjegimin arab ti OP? Cka ke dashte me thane?
>Have you noticed how serbs try to create a conflict within albanians by using religion?
I mean thats pretty obvious. They have been trying to sell this Christian vs Muslim narrative to the west since the 90s but the Wast never bought into their propaganda narrative.
I just find it funny people claim Grupi i Deçanit to be sponsored by Serbia. Like what does Serbia win if the majority of Kosovo’s population is Albanian Christian? Nothing at all their propaganda narrative they have been trying to build up falls flat on its face.
What Serbs want is Albanians to act as Islamic as possible and extremist so we lose ties to the West.
Dua means “love” in Albanian. It may also mean “prayer” in Arabic, but it’s a coincidence.
Të dua means “I love you”
dua si emer ska lidhje me fe? Dua lipa e ka popullarizu edhe dmthenjen e ka me dasht, jo lutje.
Shume e vertete.
Shpresa e Serbve osht qe shoqeria e jone ne Kosove radikalizohet edhe ata e paraqesin veten sikur viktime te islamit radikal.
Kurgjo sjon postimet ne rrjete sociale, kur kemi edhe hoxhallar qe me vetedije ose pavetedije shtyjne agjenda anti-Shqiptare.
Prettty sure it’s not Dua, never seen a person named Dua in my life in Kosova, you might think otherwise but seriously never seen someone named Dua, except for Dua Lipa, and Dua is an Albanin name meaning love or want.
They seem like they’re so unhappy with who they are that they take it out on the Albanians and their neighbors. Their country is shit and they should focus within do better and be better. Bullies always get what they deserve eventually.
Albanians in Kosovo must fight tooth and nail against efforts to Islamize the country. I guess for some people 500 years was not enough. Stubbornness is killing objectivity.
E di qe i kemi shkijet te hasem, por mos ti postojme pa ndalje ketu ne sub se pi bjen qe jemi te fiksume.
Albanian ‘Dua’ comes from the verb ‘dua’, which is ‘to love’. Its not the Arabic ‘dua’, ‘pray’.
We’re also not Slavs that we fight each other over religion, that is their specialty.