Hallo, wir haben vor kurzem unsere erste Wohnung in einem neuen Block gekauft. Beim Kauf gab es eine Klausel im Vertrag über Tiere, dass diese nicht gehalten werden dürfen, es sei denn, sie würden anderen Besitzern keine Unannehmlichkeiten bereiten. Irgendwie gab es in der Hälfte des Blocks Hunde. Allerdings bellt ein bestimmter kleiner Hund die ganze Zeit, auch mitten in der Nacht und am frühen Morgen, weil sein Bellen so hoch ist, dass es nichts wirklich blockieren kann. Wir haben versucht, höflich mit ihnen zu sprechen und sie an die Klausel zu erinnern, aber die Antwort war: „Das ist es, was Hunde tun.“ In einigen Threads habe ich gelesen, dass die Polizei nicht viel unternehmen würde. Welche Möglichkeiten haben wir?


Von Odd-History-One


  1. CyborgPropensity on

    I don’t think that’s enforceable by law anymore, you can’t control what individuals do in their apartments unless it’s dangerous.

  2. That contract has absolutely no legal standing in Maltese law.
    Living in apartments means having to concede certain expectations including other people having loud pets or kids .

  3. skrglywtts on

    Unfortunately I don’t have good news for you.

    Police will not get involved because it is not an issue of criminal or public nature.
    Additionally, from a condominium’s perspective, it appears that several tenants have dogs and so will not be annoyed by a barking dog.
    Furthermore, from the perspective of animal rights, the clause that all (supposedly) signed might also be deemed illegal.

    I might be wrong or am missing something, but I suggest that you consult a lawyer to advise you better.

  4. MALTA_Lawyer_4_U on

    It is not a police matter. If this really irritates you and the other flat owners then you need to bring this to the attention of the condominium manager and take a decision during the annual general meeting

  5. FitNotQuit on

    You can probably sue them. Theyre still stopping you from enjoying your property & created problems for you. This has nothing to do with that text you screenshotted. Speak to a lawyer. If you dont push back they will ruin your life. It has happened to me. Do not give any second chances, do not see if it`ll stop. You take action immediately after speaking them (which you have already done).

    What locality is your flat?

  6. Do you have double glazed windows? That really made a difference for noise

  7. courage_the_dog on

    Legally in Malta you cannot prevent people from owning dogs in their own property no matter what the contract says, we were told this by a contractor when we were looking for apartments and asked about it as we wanted to get a dog.

    What is legally enforceable is that they do not make loud noises, disturbing the peace, etc… Which isn’t specifically just for dogs

    That is when the police can get involved

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