Das passiert mir ständig, ich habe buchstäblich den ganzen Tag darauf gewartet, mein Paket zu erhalten, das ist f… Verrückt, warum können sie nicht klingeln oder anrufen? Soll ich daran riechen, wenn sie vor meiner Tür stehen?
Was für eine verdammte Scheißshow
Von AdDue1750
For some packages Maltapost decides to “defer” delivery to another day. You might see this notification a couple of times before the package is actually delivered.
Maltapost should be more specific with their updates but then again, it’s Maltapost.
Edit: To clarify, it is likely that Maltapost did not attempt delivery for you.
And on the other hand I have been blessed with a postman who calls me on my phone so that I can remotely open the garage door for him to leave my packages inside.
try easipik at least they don’t put a note on pick up site
honestly just write your phone number on the door with a note saying you’ll give him cookies if he calls.