Neuester Krieg in der Ukraine: Russisches Kriegsschiff feuert Signalmunition auf deutschen Militärhubschrauber


  1. BelicaPulescu on

    Poking the Germans and doing stuff like this including the assasination attempt against Rheinmettal CEO is one of the dumbest moves of the Russians. If you watch the news the german military manufacturing is starting to get back toghether and some fancy things are being sent lately to the Ukrainians. If germans start moving their industry back towards military stuff it will be a lot of fun for the Russians. And to be fair, some of those factories that they had to close because VW is doing bad, could very well be reopened and start producing fancy techy stuff for the ukrainians. Germany is a huge factory such as China when it comes to heavy vehicle manufacturing so they could very well start making some nice weapons.

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