„Keine finanzielle Entschädigung“ Wie legal ist das? Quelle: https://erasmusintern.org/traineeship/front-end-developer-iosandroid


Von Taptinnn


  1. DEinarsson on

    I’m fairly certain this is illegal. As far as I know, the only unpaid labor legally supported is brief work experience, as in when a student is working on a school project alongside a corporation who handles teaching in return for work. The student gets experience and importantly, their work their is graded and accepted as coursework by the school.

    I am not a lawyer.

    Though, I’d check with [Erasmus in Iceland](https://www.erasmusplus.is/um-erasmus/english-info/), they may be able to shed further light on what’s happening here.

  2. Technically legal (but disputed) but usually not done unless in an academic setting where it is a part of your education and you get academic credits in exchange. Even then it’s usually paid in most situations.

    I’d say this is a prime example of them wanting to fill a summer vacation gap with free labor and that this is a hard pass.

    Don’t take a job unless you get something in return as a useable compensation.

  3. Usually not, but note that this internship is being offered within the context of the Erasmus+ program, and the fact that it’s associated with a financial grant for training may exempt it from that rule.

  4. ASÍ website “Gera verður skýran greinarmun á ólaunaðri vinnu í efnahagslegri starfsemi annars vegar og ólaunaðri samfélagslegri vinnu (sjálfboðavinnu) hins vegar.  Ólaunuð vinna við efnahagslega starfsemi, framleiðslu og sölu á vöru eða þjónustu á markaði (í hagnaðarskyni) oft  í samkeppni við fyrirtæki í sömu atvinnustarfsemi, felur í sér óásættanleg undirboð á íslenskum vinnumarkaði og stenst hvorki kjarasamninga né lög.”

    So no, but there are exceptions like housing and meals can be used as pay in some cases. However if a person willingly joins an unpaid job and does not sign an agreement, then that is on them. You do not get any insurance and limited rights.

    Read more here if you can understand/translate: [https://www.asi.is/vinnurettarvefur/vinnurettur/rettindi-og-skyldur/laun-og-vinnutimi/laun/olaunud-vinna-sjalfbodalidastorf/](https://www.asi.is/vinnurettarvefur/vinnurettur/rettindi-og-skyldur/laun-og-vinnutimi/laun/olaunud-vinna-sjalfbodalidastorf/)

  5. Celerysticks00 on

    Don’t get abused by that kind of offer. You can find internship with a salary. I think the concept of internship is not really legally framed. So you’re either doing a paid job or voluntary work…

  6. Cold_Valkyrie on

    This is done a lot in healthcare studies. While I was finishing my studies in occupational therapy I needed a thousand hours of field work, none is paid, not even milage is covered. Granted I did get the Ects I needed to graduate but still. This is similar with other branches of health sciences. It sucks.

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