Die Mehrheit des Obersten Gerichtshofs scheint skeptisch zu sein, dass Holocaust-Überlebende Ungarn vor US-Gerichten verklagen dürfen


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  1. MrsBigglesworth-_- on

    The Supreme Court is revisiting a case and if it fits the exceptional criteria that allows individuals to sue foreign countries under US law. SCOTUS seems to be concerned with what implications this could have for foreign policy and if it puts US at risk of being sued and what/if any statute of limitations can be applied to actions done previously. 4 years ago Supreme Court didn’t rule on it and sent it back to lower courts that ruled in favor of the Holocaust victims, and now SCOTUS appears concerned not only with legal merit, but broader implications of US pursuing legal action against foreign states and, if on the global stage, current national governments should be held responsible for past historical injustices, including US.

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