Muss diese Bratwurst gekocht werden? Normalerweise würde ich es im Ofen leicht garen, aber dieses Mal bin ich mir nicht sicher, ob ich genug gare. Es schmeckte etwas anders. Also fange ich an, mich zu fragen. Es wurde bei Rewe gekauft.

Von Appropriate_Meet_512


  1. huskergirl-86 on

    Yes, it absolutely needs to be cooked. Though Germans typically would fry it in a pan rather than cooking it (on the stove or in the oven).

  2. You can eat it raw, you wont die. But its supposed to be fried or grilled. Bratwurst literally means “sausage that you fry”

  3. yes, they need to be cooked. I would always do so in a pan tho. baking a bratwurst seems.. weird to me
    also, don’t keep them opening the fridge for more than two or three days and then heat all the way through. raw meat spoils fast

  4. Appropriate_Meet_512 on

    I was told this kind of sausage in supermarket you can eat it raw or cooked both fine. Or I can just simply heat it up a bit in the oven. xd

    Now I am not sure anymore

  5. Entire_Classroom_263 on

    That’s a Bauernbratwurst, not a normal Bratwurst, so I guess the meat is smoked.
    Which means you can either heat it up in water, fry or bake it, or even eat it raw.

  6. This isn’t precooked or anything. This is raw meat and needs to be cooked through. I usually cut into them bit and let the oven do the rest. Shouldn’t be raw/red to be safe to eat

  7. Independent-Home-845 on

    You can eat it raw. There is some confusion about the word “Bratwurst” here. In most part of Germany a Bratwurst is something you fry in a pan. In some parts of Germany a “Bauernbratwurst” is a smoked/cured sausage than can be eaten raw, see here: The base (wolfed pork with herbs and salt) is actually the same, but normal “Bratwurst” aren’t smoked like that. These “Bauernbratwurst” are not meant to be fried, because they may contain nitrite curing salt.

    If you buy real “Bratwurst” as pre-packaged goods in the supermarket, they are usually pre-cooked/brewed. They don’t taste real good like that, but they are not dangerous.

    A real fresh uncooked Bratwurst must be eaten the same/the next day, they are easily perishable.

  8. Appropriate_Meet_512 on

    Guys! One thing to comment: this is Bauernbratwurst, not just Bratwurst.

    So I think the meat is already smoked!

  9. fluchtpunkt on

    Turn the package around and read it. There’s usually some info.

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