Lebte in einem Block mit drei kleinen Wohnungen und verließ diese am 31.03.24. Aber diese Woche haben wir eine verspätete Rechnung vom Regis erhalten.
Ich kann immer noch nicht glauben, dass Mieter für die Wartung und Instandhaltung der Heizungs- und Warmwasseranlagen bezahlen, ein schönes, leichtes Geld für die Vermieter ohne Verpflichtungen. Ich mache hier nur Luft.
Ich weiß nicht, was es mit dieser Panne auf sich hat, aber sie macht für mich einfach keinen Sinn, ich glaube, die verschiedenen Daten bringen mich aus der Fassung.
Außerdem habe ich eine endgültige Stromrechnung in Höhe von 710 CHF bezahlt, gehe aber davon aus, dass sich dies auf die Wohnung und nicht auf die Gemeinschaftsbereiche bezieht, da wir alle unsere eigenen Zähler hatten.
Ist es für diejenigen unter Ihnen, die an diese Rechnungen gewöhnt sind, sinnvoll?
Von marblereflect
Which country are you from that you do not pay for electricity, water, gas and so on?
The two dates make sense. The period of the facture was from the 01.07.2023 – 30.06.2024 however, you left on the 31.03.2024, so your only billed from the 01.07.2023 – 31.03.2024, cause afterwards you were gone.
>Also, I did pay a final electricity bill of CHF710 but I am assuming this is relating to the apartment and not the communal areas as we all had our own meters.
There is nothing electricity related on that bill, it’s only heating and warm water.
It seems correct to me, however the Mieterverband says that maintenance can’t be billed to those renting a place. But I’m currently too tired to recalculate if they did include it in that bill or not.
Otherwise: Correct, the billing period seems fine, and this is not electricity but heating and warm water you’re billed here.
tenants are definitely not meant to pay for the servicing of the heating and a random ‘administration’ fee or the taxe épuration. Administrative fees are paid by the owners, including by the way when regies ask tenants to pay for a fee when they leave an apartment.
>**Le Tribunal fédéral a confirmé un arrêt vaudois limitant les frais accessoires à payer par le locataire** **aux frais de chauffage et d’eau chaude**, alors que le bailleur avait mentionné dans le bail un grand nombre d’autres frais accessoires
Therefore the “montant à repartir” should be equal to CHF3’359,5. It’s difficult to calculate how they did their split afterwards, but they likely owe you money
Gas was becoming very expensive in the last few years in Switzerland. The numbers looks quite normal.
Gas was becoming very expensive in the last few years in Switzerland. The numbers looks quite normal.
Gas was becoming very expensive in the last few years in Switzerland. The numbers looks quite normal.
You have the right to ask the detailed bills for each so you can check they aren’t scamming you.
It‘s not late.
And why wouldn‘t you pay for the service where you live? You profit by it.
The different dates are first) the bill period of 12 months, they usually settle this once a year with a fixed date, in this case 30.06.
And secondly) the period of that that you still lived in the apartment and have to pay for. It‘s a pro rats bill for 9 out of the 12 months that are being settled with the tenants.