Introvertierte und Extrovertierte in den sozialen Medien – Reddit, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook [OC]

Von thinkinganddata


  1. CatcrazyJerri on

    I’ve said this before but I think that the internet has given introverts a voice.

  2. Sacdaddicus on

    I do think this has become one of those concepts that nobody really understands. I think anyone who wants some alone time thinks they must be an introvert and anyone who likes going out is an extrovert.

    So you have so many people thinking that unless you’re trying to party 7 days a week you’re an introvert.

  3. Serialfornicator on

    Social media appeals more to introverts than in-person contacts.

  4. murfvillage on

    Hmm. I just don’t think extroverts are as likely to post in r/extroverts or tag their post #extrovert. They would more likely be posting a show they were going to etc, or anything they want to share. r/introverts / #introvert is more a thing because people are more likely to post about how they are an introvert and tag it that way, since they see their introversion as part of their personality that they want to share / be understood about.

  5. I feel like log scale would make the graphs easier to read. Downside is ofc that ppl need to realize its a log scale.

  6. LunaticScience on

    I like that all the singular forms (introvert) are more popular than their plural counterparts (introverts)

  7. New-Anacansintta on

    Extroverts likely don’t think as much about being extroverted. Socializing comes naturally.

  8. Nothing more introverted than announcing your introversion to millions of strangers in a public forum.

  9. Xerio_the_Herio on

    Ironic how introverts are all attention seekers and want validation…

  10. isthatabingo on

    This is useless data considering extroverts don’t feel the need to say that they’re an extrovert, it’s basically the default. Introverts seek community they can relate with, and it exists largely online because like IRL, they want to be able to tap in and tap out as their social battery allows. But it’s more socially acceptable online. I had Thanksgiving with my parents, and my mom wanted me to stay for four days straight, and I had to remind her that I’m only spending two days because I need me time. She gets sad and thinks I don’t like spending time with her, but as a lot of introverts can attest to, it has nothing to with whether I like someone or not! Four days of non-stop interaction with ANYONE sounds like torture! So yes, we have to explain ourselves and remind others of our differences, whereas extroverts do not. That’s why they don’t tag stuff as extrovert or create extrovert communities. They already exist in every community, and they exist very loudly!

  11. robboffard on

    This data, if accurate, is really interesting. Thanks for sharing!

    I think introverts view their introversion more as an identity than extroverts view theirs as one…

  12. iiiiijoeyiiiii on

    Introverts aren’t shy online. And extroverts have already told everyone whatever they were going to say.

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