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Sorry for the sound quality, I did my best. It’s just that most of the time I meet soldiers in harsh conditions. This Russian soldier was in a barracks after lights out, and his comrade Sergey kept snoring. I improved the sound as much as I could.
This is not just an ordinary Russian soldier. In his family, there are three brothers, and all of them went to war in Ukraine with different motivations and joined different units. The eldest brother has already fought on the side of PMC Wagner and wants to go again. There is a full interview where he gives a detailed account of each brother’s story here [Bald Max – YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/@max_pass/videos)
Because they are dumb
Sound like my stoned buddy from years ago.
Fighting the good fight man. Unlikely to get anywhere but frankly their society is already so incredibly insular it’d be a shame to completely abandon any amount of dialogue with normal people.
It’s a process that is very unlikely to do much but is somehow still crucial.
“4 families rule the entire world and make all the decisions.”
“Whoa. Who are they?”
I’ve met burnouts like this. They need to know some superior conspiracy so they can dismiss any of your logic or criticism but they also don’t need to back up any sort of evidence other than a 2 hour youtube video with someone rambling about the secrets of the universe with space and chakras in the background.
Thank you for this one and all the work you do! The sound quality is okay so no worry about that. This is like the 5 jews control the world bullsh*t. Double security clearance and people are still smart like an ape. No insults to apes of course. They work like a joke because they are a joke. Make me smile, someone catch him and exchange him for a real Hero.
Slava Ukraini
“Why people hate us”
Because you’re killing innocent people, and destroying cities.
“No, that’s not it”
7 letters begins with r ends with n, just fucking die
The best the Russians can elect against the “four families” is a crying, lying, incompetent b****. Argue your way out of that.
Thank you for the work you do. It is incredibly eye-opening to see the mindsets, ideals, and conspiracies that Russian culture has so successfully ingrained into the population. It demonstrates how easily misinformation can be very successfully used to convince ordinary people to justify their evil actions in any country or culture. Hearing the excuses from these naively evil people is frustrating, but essential in understanding their logic and drive. Slava Ukraini !
“Nobody knows the truth”
Despite all the handwringing about post-modernism etc., reactionaries and fascists love the post-truth era–easy to deflect blame.
Does he really have to ask why we hate russians?
So other than voting for Putin, stealing our kids, blowing up our cities, raping our women, what have the Russians ever done to us!
They demonstrated how far and different they are from western values, morals. By far I mean, light years apart.
We have opposite mentalities.
Backwards retarted people. Admitting they know but don’t know what’s happening in the same sentence
I think you should lay that “russians elected putin” dead. No one elected putin, even russians don’t believe that if they’re being honest except for babushkas and vatniks who consume government propaganda 24/7.
I think what happened after WW2 is the better strategy. It wasn’t an emphasis on “who elected Hitler” or Mussolini or the emperor Hirohito for that sake. The process after the war was to show that none of this would happen if individual responsibility and basic moral judgment would overcome our impulse for conformity. “The banality of evil” ordinary people who could give horrendous orders, how tens of thousands of germans could make the concentration camps churn out death and misery for years, how ordinary german soldiers could execute “undesireable” people en masse, how people could have their property, dignity and lives taken away because they were not german, or “aryan” or whatever by soldiers who lived quite ordinary and decent lives before they got enlisted. Every one of these would tell you that they only followed orders, or they just did their job.
But after the Nuremberg trials, conformity was no longer a valid excuse. Every individual has to be held responsible for their actions. And this lead to enormous changes in the west, perhaps it even went to far… But it did bring some seismic changes in the perception of the self, for responsibility, ethics, cultural chauvinism, colonialism and so on. Russia never experienced this. They still have that pre-1945 mentality that the west has long moved on from.
Hello comrade. Please let me expand. You are a backwards, suppressed race of uneducated, inward-looking deviants. Even in peaceful times you were hated by everyone abroad, even on holiday. Your people have never had an understanding of social etiquette or inclusion. The implosion of your rotten cesspit that you call home does not come soon enough. All in good time. Anyway, enjoy your miserable, short life.
we are following orders….
The Nazis tried the same thing after WW2. We were just following orders. Many were hung or executed by firing squad.
As a man of Yakutian and Ukrainian blood, my family hates them for putting a lot of us to death in work camps. That was not cash money.
As an American, I hate the Russians for their complacency in authoritarianism and genocide. I hate all the NPCs that are quick and happy to say, “we should kill millions of civilians with nuclear weapons.” I despise their culture. It’s an ignorant, drunk, vapid, toxic, bigoted, belligerent abomination all delivered through one of the worst sounding languages on the planet. It’s a culture that admires cruelty and deceit. The food sucks, the music sucks, and the movies suck. I don’t know anyone who vacations in Russia or anyone who’s been there and wants to go back that isn’t from there. Every single person I’ve met born there never wants to return.
That’s how you know your entire society is a dumpster fire.
I have to give him credit for at least asking the question. He might be too programmed to figure out why, but some Russians never even question it.
I’m curious as to which 4 families he thinks rules the world
I certainly know why Iraqi and Afghan people hate the US and it’s citizens. I protested that war for years but I don’t expect anyone bombed by people wrapped in my flag to care.
Thats insanity
Hannah Arendt once wrote in an essay:”The result of a consistent and total substitution of lies for factual truth is not that the lie will now be accepted as truth and truth be defamed as a lie, but that the sense by which we take our bearings in the real world—and the category of truth versus falsehood is among the mental means to this end—is being destroyed.”
It is the insidious nature of Russian style propaganda aimed at their own population that it goes well beyond telling lies. Russians are subjected to an endless barrage of often contradicting messages. By design they are fed a soup of lies and half-truths, sometimes wild conspiracy theories, hearsay and rumors which are all given an equal footing in the sphere of public opinion. The effect is that even if someone were to speak the full truth and nothing but the truth it would become just another story in an amorphous mist of narratives. The consequence is that when the average Russian is confronted with “a truth” that seems to contradict their self-image (thus causing painful cognitive dissonance), they can “fall back” to one of the many stories from the Russian propaganda soup. The harsh reality is dilluted to a point where they don’t have to face it.
Perfect moment to tell the guy about desertions, and the power to protest his government and rebel against Russia. If he’s gonna die might as well do it fixing Russia then destroying Ukraine
Russians have a human right to kill and nobody understands this, which is the reason why nobody likes russians – said with pure severity
I’ve seen a few of your videos I’m always impressed by how calm you manage to stay