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Which in turn, will hit Mexican business owners that depend on tourism in the wallet.
nautical intensive livestock farming
I read this headline too quickly and wondered what cruises were operating out of New Mexico
I’ve never understood why someone would want to go on a cruise, but I also don’t like being around people.
My cousin just did that Norwegian Bliss one seven days to Mexico and said it was great. Was already planning another he said cause price was great. lol.. of course.
The port of Santa Fe is a highlight of any cruise.
Who cruises to New Mexico?
Up to 42 dollar per person increase, which is nearly $200 for a family of 4… who wrote this?
42,000 dollar tax per family! Depending on your family size.
It’s $42 per passenger. Idk how much cruise tickets cost but that doesn’t seem like a deal breaker.
Good. We need a couple of years without those big things
$50 per person, folks.
If $50 per person is a make-or-break issue for you, why you going on a cruise?
New Mexico has a port?
Cruise ships are a plague and should be taxed out of existence.
So once people stop traveling there this will only come back to bite them in the ass
Balderdash. New Mexico is landlocked.
Dang New Mexicans… This will only hurt small business like Rio Grande Cruises…
[Get ready to feel it where it hurts…](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=I35eG8cKAMA)
Lol, what a terrible headline.
Damn. There goes my Elephant Butte luxury cruise.
They’re doing it as a use tax. Don’t believe their bullshit
As a New Mexico resident this confused the shit out of me.
All tariffs will be paid by the ppl mostly middle to lower income ppl.
I can hear the TrumpTards wailing all the way up here in the Great White North! Goooooood luck suckers! LOL
It’s hard to feel bad for people that can afford a cruise.
New Mexico?
I remember back in the early 90’s my wife and I had to pay a deportation tax at the airport in Puerto Vallarta before they would let us get on the plane to fly home. Then it was something like $13/person
Let the 2025 Trade wars begin! mwahahaha
No problem. The cruise ships will just go somewhere else. And those ports will be decimated. And all the businesses around them will be too
Nah. People just won’t go.
Cuba has the same thing, lol most every major airport has an airport improvement fee, cancan airport has a landing fee, hotels have a visitor tax. 2 to 5 bucks does not impact a 2500 vacation that much individually, added up over the year, it’s a cash cow
Who takes a cruise in New Mexico?
Mexico should just call it what it is….an Asshole Tax on Americans.
$188/family is a drop in the bucket on what a typical cruise costs overall once you factor everything else in.
I’m sick and tired of continually being hit in the wallet
Americans will learn to keep Ted Cruz out of here , we hate your tariffs and hate you for tanking economy come Jan , , tourism we stay out of states u come u will feel the wrath making our life’s harder with tariffs tourism is great