Als Moraltanks plagt Unzufriedenheit das russische Militär im Ukraine-Krieg


  1. Maple_Chef on

    We’ve been hearing about russian bad morale since day one. Same with the word collapse. Until russian army is burned down to the ground or walk on the kremlin, I don’t care, they’re still there creating an issue.

  2. RandomLocalDeity on

    Question is: how low can they go? And if the answer is: as low as their moral ground than morale-wise we still have a long way to go…

  3. Breech_Loader on

    If the crap going down in Syria is doing anything, it’s another blow to morale. Lower morale means more desertions, more surrenders, more spies, more dissent.

    Russians are shockingly resiliant as people, partly because they don’t know how good we have it. And personally I don’t think it’s worth waiting for a rebellion, because Putin’s just too good at what he does – I mean, he sent people to prison for holding up blank pieces of paper.

    Part of the reason there’s been no takeover is because Putin kills anybody with ambition and takes everything they have. I mean, straight off. There is nobody strong enough to take over.

  4. big_hairy_hard2carry on

    I remind you that we were told Russian troops would break ranks and flee the moment they saw western tanks on the horizon. That idiotic counteroffensive last year was based entirely on that premise.

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