Die US Space Force startet eine Einheit in Japan, um nach nordkoreanischen Raketen Ausschau zu halten
[OC] Verhältnis von männlichen zu weiblichen in den USA geborenen Säuglingen, nach Geburtsland der Mutter
FPV-Drohne, die auf zwei russische Soldaten zielt, löst große Explosion aus https://v.redd.it/bpk1cb00cg4e1
Sea-Direction1205 on 02.12.2024 3:16 PM Putin’s man-mules, burning up like the fuel trucks they replace.
Scared_of_zombies on 02.12.2024 7:25 PM I half expected to see someone run out of that ball of flame.
Another burning men festival so to see….
Putin’s man-mules, burning up like the fuel trucks they replace.
Bot a usual hand grenade
I think it’s fair to assume no one survived that in 10M radius
Hidden stash of vodka bottles…
BBQ orcs
their bellies were full of vodka.
I half expected to see someone run out of that ball of flame.
Vlads these days, blow up so fast.