Südkoreanische Aktien und Währung fallen aufgrund von Marktunruhen nach Aufhebung des Kriegsrechtsdekrets
Shahed-Drohne von ukrainischer mobiler Luftverteidigungseinheit abgeschossen https://v.redd.it/e6u313v9dg4e1
Hot-Pottato on 02.12.2024 5:37 PM This visor has some drawbacks. It needs to be improved to reduce missed bullets
SopaDeKaiba on 02.12.2024 6:10 PM At first I thought he was aiming low, but the I realized he knows how his gun kicks.
What a feeling that must be!
Must feel like saving a life
Looks like a big ol’ bucket of UFS(Ukrainian Fried Shahed)
This visor has some drawbacks. It needs to be improved to reduce missed bullets
At first I thought he was aiming low, but the I realized he knows how his gun kicks.