Ich habe also gelesen, dass Autofahrer in anderen Ländern einen Erste-Hilfe-Kasten, Feuerlöscher und andere Notfallausrüstung haben. https://fireology.co.uk/driving-in-europe-which-countries-require-fire-extinguishers-and-other-safety-products/ Zeigt, dass maltesische Fahrer die meiste Ausrüstung dabei haben sollten, aber ich selbst hatte nie mehr als einen Erste-Hilfe-Kasten und eine erste Decke. Tragen die Reddit-Fahrer hier tatsächlich die meiste Zeit die Notfallausrüstung bei sich, die Sie haben sollten?
Von aweschops
I recently bought a van I want to convert into a campervan. When doing my vrt test a requirement here was to have a valid fire extinguisher.
This is not the case for my regular car.
As far as what I keep in them , both include first aid kits, some mechanical tools for emergencies and blankets. I keep 2 foldable chairs, jumper cables and an air mattress in them too for catching a good sunset though so that probably speaks more about me as a person.
It’s great having these items in your car, but if you don’t know how to use them you may as well not have one.
Just last weekend there was a car broken down on the dual carriageway between xemxia and buggiba on one of the corners, guy had his emergency triangle about 1m behind the car, literally making using the triangle pointless as by the time you see it you’re on top of the car. It’s meant to be placed minimum of 45 meters behind the car.
Same for fire extinguishers. Cars can have many different reasons for a fire and if you’re using the wrong type on a fire you’re going to make it worse.
Using these kits should be a part of the driving test, and if you can’t use it properly (or at least know how to use it) then shouldn’t pass the test.