Karte des menschlichen Zoos

    Von GroundbreakingOwl786


    1. RayZzorRayy on

      Ireland’s historical moral high ground wins again!!!

      Never change mo chara!

    2. If Hungary is red, should Slovakia be too? They were one country during human zoo times. Or is this based on location of the zoo?

    3. There hasn’t been in a human zoo in Poland. There was one in WrocÅ‚aw, but it was when the city belonged to Germany

    4. Village_Weirdo on

      They still do it in Germany: I was in a zoo there once, and one guy exhibited himself.

    5. Reasonable_Fold6492 on

      Korea also had human zoo. We had one in the 17th century when  dutch trader who was supposed to go to Japan got stuck in korea. When he tried to escape we put hin a cage and civilians could see and feed him

    6. Delicious-Tea-6718 on

      I didn’t read the small font and though this post was just someone royally shitting on Europe 🤣

    7. Finland apparently skipped few European developmental stages when we speedrunned from bronze age to information age in few centuries.

    8. Buntisteve on

      Yeah, some countries are missing because they were part of other states at that time lol.
      But wouldn’t Hungary be grey too then? If I remember correctly it was before the Austro-Hungarian compromise.

    9. robbohibs1875 on

      Why just Europe’s? Why not show the rest of the world that had them to ?

    10. Due_Cranberry_3137 on

      Ireland is only grey because it didn’t exist independently

    11. Due_Cranberry_3137 on

      Ireland is only grey because it didn’t exist independently

      There is pictures from a human zoo in Dublin.

    12. sleepydraegon on

      How peculiar, Western Europeans turned out to be more barbarian (what, again?) than the Slavic barbarians (considering how they treat us I suppose that’s what they think of us).

    13. AleksandrNevsky on

      For the record the one from France is from *1994.*

      Last time this kind of thing was posted a lot of people had some…interesting things to say about the groups in the “had a zoo” category and the ones not in it. Hopefully Reddit won’t be as ‘classy’ this time.

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