Selenskyj: Der ukrainischen Armee fehlt die Kraft, alle besetzten Gebiete zu befreien, diplomatische Lösungen sind erforderlich


  1. Some_Cockroach2109 on

    But the media and Reddit told me that Ukraine was winning and have only lost 32k casualties and a Lada while Russia has lost 32 million men and 35k tanks. What happened to 1991 borders and Crimean Beach party??!!

  2. critiqueextension on

    based findings, hope this points you in the right direction

    * [Zelenskyy: Ukraine’s Army Lacks Strength to Liberate All …](
    * [Ukraine lacks military strength to liberate some occupied …](
    * [Ukraine’s military lacks strength to retake some of occupied …](
    * [Ukraine lacks military strength to reclaim 1991 borders](
    * [Zelenskyy says Ukraine lacks strength to push Russia to borders …](

  3. TooManyPenalties on

    Anyone with any sense should of known that long ago. Sending aid packages isn’t gonna do anything, they need man power which they won’t have unless another country gets involved. People need to quit listening to these talking heads in the media who have no clue about war or military in general. Only way this war ends is Zelenskyy concedes the territory he lost cause he’s not getting it back. It’s sad to say but it’s the truth.

  4. brokenmessiah on

    But when I said the same thing a month ago I was attacked and called a Russian shill.

  5. MaximPetro on

    Don’t read out of context translations, dude was talking in Ukrainian to a Ukrainian audience casually.

  6. Assdestroy-er on

    Incoming ruzzia lost 7 bajillions troops and 69 quadrillion rubles this month post.

  7. -ForgottenSoul on

    I mean it’s hard to take fortified Russian positions thats been known for a while.

  8. This reminds me on the Biden Trump debate moment, when everyone suddenly noticed that Biden has dementia after MSM claiming for four years that Biden is fine😎😎😎

  9. Nostradamus_of_past on

    This is because the west is afraid of Putin. If we wanted Ukraine to win, we would give the right support. No, Russia won’t nuke… they just threaten because they know west would fall for it

  10. darklordtimothy on

    Well, Blinken didn’t lie, the US fought to the last Ukrainian.

  11. Ventriloquist_Voice on

    It is just means that Ukraine is running thin and no more people or resources in army. That was quite predictable with this Biden “No one should win”, “strategy”. No one should win – means Russia will win with more human resources

  12. Lopsided-Affect-9649 on

    Its never been necessary to militarily retake those positions, Russia is rapidly losing the economic war and there doesn’t appear any way they can recover in the coming years. Russia will have to make concessions or face collapse.

  13. mediadavid on

    Turns out Zelenskyy is a vatnik. Doesn’t he know that Russia has run out of tanks?

  14. IFixTattoos on

    Trump will do everything in his power to make sure Ukraine is 100% cutoff the day he gets in office.

    Zelensky has made it clear that Ukraine would fold like a sheet without the US funding it.

    That means Zelensky has about 90 days to figure out a plan where Ukraine isn’t about to become Western Russia.

  15. Don’t put this news in Ukraine sub forum. It will be called bs and you’ll be banned.

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