Sexschädling von Asylbewerbern nahm zwei Frauen im Zug in „schrecklicher Tortur“ ins Visier, bevor er eine sexuell missbrauchte – bleibt jedoch von der Gefängnisstrafe verschont, nachdem dem Richter mitgeteilt wurde, dass er „keine Freunde im Vereinigten Königreich hat“

Von ParkedUpWithCoffee


  1. Common sense would suggest we stick him on a flight back to Egypt and place him on the banned list. But we all know what’s actually going to happen, he’ll claim his life’s in danger and he’s a Christian and he’ll be allowed to stay here endangering more women.

  2. SufficientWarthog846 on

    Daily Fail leaving facts out and creating rage bait headline :S

    edit – so many people falling for the rage bait

  3. Crazy-Fish-101 on

    What on earth is happening in our courts? Why do they prioritise these people over the safety our own…

  4. Freebornaiden on

    Sometimes you just know a headline isnt quite telling the truth.

  5. After-Dentist-2480 on

    Unpopular opinion here.
    If he were white British, he would probably have not got any custodial sentence (not even suspended). If we think this lower end sexual harassment deserves prison for (presumably) a first offence, we need to be prepared to pay massive tax hikes to build new prisons.

    The details, while scary for the women concerned, don’t fit the frenzied sex attack by a foreigner the Daily Mail implies in its headline.

    Having said that, to my mind, he’s has his one and only warning, and any repetition of any offence as, or more serious, should result in prison and return to Egypt on release.

  6. lNFORMATlVE on

    Daily Fail article. As usual, best to disregard (and not give them any clicks) until the info comes from an actually reliable source.

  7. Confident_Resolution on

    Seriously, why do we allow the Daily Mail? its a garbage newspaper for garbage people.

  8. WuufTheBika on

    Daily reminder that the daily mail is an arse wipe rag and is openly ridiculed in the UK.

    It’s just a rage bait website.

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