Die USA werden der Ukraine keine Atomwaffen zurückgeben



  1. I’m willing to bet Ukraine can just build them on their own. It seems this would be the only deterrent russia would understand.

  2. Capital-Albatross-17 on

    This is obvious. All the Nuclear superpowers don’t want other countries to have,create or acquire nuclear weapons.

  3. WildRoof114 on

    under a 1994 agreement, the Budapest Memorandum, in return for security assurances from Russia…

    What assurance did Russia agree to?

  4. Can you imagine? What a stupid news article.

    >The United States is not considering returning to Ukraine the nuclear weapons it gave up after the Soviet Union collapsed.

    No shit. “So these are the nukes we took from you. We have been keeping them around. You know, the ones with the pointed nose. They are all the same. Take them and have a nice day.”

  5. stillnotking on

    “US not completely insane, film at 11”

    … Actually, that kind of *is* news. Never mind.

  6. aaronhayes26 on

    Wtf is this “return” nonsense? The US does not and has never possessed Ukraine’s ex-soviet nukes.

    *Obviously* the US is not considering manufacturing or otherwise providing its own nuclear weapons for Ukraine.

  7. LostDreams44 on

    Sad considering Russia end of the deal was void and meaning less like Russia itself

  8. fiftyshadesofbeige69 on

    How are the US going to return nukes that they don’t have?

  9. Aware_Style1181 on

    It would be suicidally reckless to consider giving Ukraine nukes.

  10. Interwebnaut on

    There’s some interesting information in this article:

    Why Ukraine gave up nuclear weapons and what that means in a Russian invasion : NPR
    FEBRUARY 21, 2022
    “…Sergey Lavrov, who was in Paris at the time, simply did not show up. So he wouldn’t even come to the meeting in connection with the memorandum.

    [Russia argues that it] signed it with a different government, not with this “illegitimate” one. But that, of course, does not stand to any international legal kind of criteria. You don’t sign agreements with the government, you sign it with the country.”…

    Text of the Budapest Memorandum:



  11. Distinct_Analysis606 on

    There is only one thing that is going to sort all the shit out around the world. Time.

  12. Sin_Sun_Shine on

    The Nukes are already there. We’re supposed to act like they aren’t though. Move along peasants. Nothing to see here.

  13. US never had Ukraine nuclear weapons

    You cant Return something you never had

  14. Effective_Scale_4915 on

    Ukraine has the capability/resources to build a nuclear bomb on their own and relatively quickly. I believe they will do just that if NATO membership/security is taken off the table. They already have an iskander style ballistic missile in development and could fit a nuclear warhead too that could reach Moscow. I wouldn’t be surprised if they already started it.

  15. _grey_wall on

    Is Canada gonna build them a nuclear reactor like they did for India tho?

  16. Ventriloquist_Voice on

    Ukrainian here. It was 3rd by size arsenal in the world, most of warheads were handed over to Russia. Those which were in maintenance phase were sold to USA, such compensation gesture, to use as a fuel. Solid ballistic missiles were repurposed to lunch satellites so called “Sea Start” program with civil name of rocket “Dnipro”. Strategic aviation cut to scrap, medium and short range cut to scrap. Silos – poured with concrete. Majority of stuff handed to Russia. Everything started with Russia gaslighting that Ukraine went rogue, out of Russian control, and Nazies came to power (sounds familiar?) Outcome – defenceless, disarmed country with signed toilet paper on hands, before Crimea Crisis 1996 with Russian appetite, Russia got weapons, Ukraine on plate like “Chiken Kyiv” and didn’t spend any coin, everything done for expense of not very smart West Russian “partner”

  17. look up the Trilateral Process. it’s the agreement of all three nations during ussr break up

  18. soilhalo_27 on

    Just give them back their nukes! Stop being a bully US!


    I know how Reddit is.

  19. SkywalkerTC on

    Ukraine made the mistake of giving everything to Russia early on. The world just needs to truly learn from this. Deterrence I currently the only real way to peace, sadly, especially when faced with regimes like russia and China.

    Also, what’s with this redundant report… Why even make a comment about this? Is this trying to send a message to russia “the US will not do more”? It’s like the US saying “we will not send US troops to fight in Ukraine directly” back in 2022. Just redundant, And dangerous.

  20. Karlander19 on

    It’s Russia that will not be returning any nuclear weapons to Ukraine.

  21. firearrow5235 on

    France, I humbly request your services yet again. Surely you can do for Ukraine what you did for Israel.

  22. Oh yeah, Putin’s invasion of Ukraine was a fabulous example of why Ukraine should have told Bill Clinton to fuck off.

  23. BridgetBardOh on

    Eliminate the middleman and just launch 1000 warheads at Moscow

    Problem solved

    You’re welcome

  24. leauchamps on

    So, then they will probably build their own!
    After all, this invasion would not have happened if the US hadn’t put their oar in when Ukraine did have nukes

  25. RemoteSprinkles2893 on

    Real question tho wouldn’t giving Ukraine a nuke or a wmd be good for deterring any more hostility

  26. NoLength7406 on

    We should give them one and take their wheat harvest in exchange 

  27. stansfield123 on

    Someone should start a fundraiser … let’s buy Ukraine a nuclear weapons’ program. That’s actually not without precedent, it’s how Israel got about half its funding for their nukes.

    It wasn’t that expensive, either, it cost about $80 million in 1960s dollars. That would be ~900 million in 2024 dollars.

  28. And anyone thought thought this was possible is dumb. We would never put the world in a Cuban missile crisis.

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