Neujahr in Indien

Von Nietzsche33312


  1. No_Window8199 on

    the cultural similarities between telugu, marathi, and kannada people don’t get talked about much probably because marathi isn’t part of the dravidian language family. they share a lot—same calendar, festivals like ugadi, gudi padwa. the region is a perfect blending of dravidian and indo aryan influences.

  2. __DraGooN_ on

    The reason is while India follows the Gregorian calendar for all official purposes, different regions of India also follow their own calendars.

    These Hindu calendars are used for all cultural purposes. Some of them are based on the sun, while some are based on the moon. This means different regions celebrate the New year at different times.

  3. IamNotHotEnough on

    January 1 is universally celebrated in India though, atleast in the capital cities, it’s complimentary to the native new year celebrations, say, in my community we celebrate poila boishak in April, while also celebrating Jan 1. 

  4. wiggum55555 on

    If you squint at this it looks like some kind of cartoon character wearing a purple hat 🤷‍♂️😀

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