Welcher Rasse/Ethnie gehören die derzeitigen Gouverneure der US-Bundesstaaten an?

Von Solid_Function839


  1. Yo_Mr_White_ on

    If you look into other high level seats like senators from each state, the map would be a little more diverse.

  2. My question, why are white people “green”?? This is some biased backhanded shiate.

  3. LRRP_rang3find3r on

    Who cares!! Identity politics was kicked out of the back door with Harris

  4. ZealusType340 on

    219,000,000 white people in the country I think the odds of having a white governor are pretty high.

  5. SkullKid_467 on

    What’s the point of this map? What do we learn from this? What’s the takeaway?

  6. OwenLoveJoy on

    It’s a little more diverse in other ways. 3 governors (Oregon, Colorado, Massachusetts) are LGBTQ. Four governors (Colorado, Illinois, Hawaii, Pennsylvania) and the governor elect of North Carolina are Jewish, which is surely the record for most non Christian governors at one time.

  7. Hey Americans (since it’s 2AM here)

    Have you ever considered not categorizing people based on their skin colour? Or is it just normal only for anglophone countries?

    Embrace religious wars, national struggles and [“xenophobia”](https://youtu.be/fGHrW0ERp6I) instead, It’s very refreshing /s

    Edit: I’m from Poland, we don’t even have an n-word equivelant here. YOU UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH I’VE SACRIFICED? my ancestors won independence of Haiti, their president declared my ancestors White n*****s of Europe and I can’t even use it cuz equivelant of it doesn’t exist in Polish.

    I mean there’s one closest but it’s like a word for black+ mean suffix, as you would’ve said “blackish”. Either way it’s unrevelant since it’s barely being used, most popular is word Murzyn with etymology from Spanish Moors and only mental connection to this word average Pole has is a Childish story for 5yr olds by Jan Brzechwa about Polish and Murzyn children playing together happily.

    I saw like 2 black dudes in my entire life. Imagine how much disconnected I feel in the internet culture.

    #2AM bed thoughts

  8. Jonpollon18 on

    I googled the Governor of New Mexico and there’s nothing about her being Hispanic. Furthermore her parents’ names were Sonja Jackson and Llewelyn Eugene Lujan, which don’t sound Hispanic at all. However the previous governor was Hispanic.

  9. For a more interesting map, show senators and representatives as well? Or other categories like religion and gender. This by itself isn’t that interesting or provocative. 

  10. notanamateur on

    I miss this sub being small, the comments are just constantly brigaded nowadays

  11. The funny thing is that most people who care about this sort of thing will fight tooth and nail next year to ensure Virginia stays green on this map.

  12. Relative_Document538 on

    How about major cities mayors? I bet it’s the opposite.

  13. Dry-Register4164 on

    Five of the mayors of the ten largest cities by population are Black, with the top three New York City, Los Angeles, and Chicago all having Black mayors.

    But let’s leave it to Map porn to suggest that we’re still living in 1860.

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