Die Top-2-Ethnien sind nicht überraschend, aber 10 % Iberer haben mich wirklich verwirrt, wenn ich weiß, wie ich darauf gekommen bin, und das Gleiche gilt für Nordwesteuropäer. Aber Irisch, Schottisch und Walisisch machen Sinn, da ich gehört habe, dass es auf dem Balkan eine gewisse Geschichte davon gibt.

    Könnte jemand, der sich mit Geschichte auskennt, erklären, wie ich als Albaner zu diesen Ergebnissen gekommen bin?


    Von bigcowboah


    1. Barbapoinkt13 on

      Iberic could be from the Arab settlements, or some traveller that liked a lot “qikat e kosovës”.

      On my side I am 48% Balkan, and 52% Greek / south Italian. Knowing Kosovo’s history, it wouldn’t be possible to be 100% of smth with this kind of test.

    2. Psychological_Life79 on

      Te keshilloj te besh ate qe rekomandojne tek projekti rrenjet , rrenjet. Com

    3. NoDrummer6 on

      They group clusters of people into these arbitrary categories on these DNA sites. This does not mean you are “Greek & South Italian”, but that they put genetics that Albanians carry into these and “Balkan”. Same with the other categories there.

      If you want an actual accurate look at what your ancestry is you need to download the raw data of your test from the site and have someone who knows what they’re doing take a look at it.

    4. master-desaster-69 on

      So it’s confirmed, they are local… what a surprise..

      Fyi: this is blood heritage, don’t mix it up with culture. I think the gold question is, how did albanians manage to keep their own culture with so much influence from all sites.

    5. Iberian jane spanjoll ose portugez

      Pyetja “Iberian jane spanjol/portugez apo arab?”

      “Termi Iberian lidhet me Gadishullin Iberik, i cili përfshin kryesisht Spanjën dhe Portugalinë. Pra, në kuptimin gjeografik dhe kulturor, iberianët i referohen spanjollëve dhe portugezëve.

      Megjithatë, Gadishulli Iberik ka një histori të pasur dhe komplekse që përfshin ndikime të ndryshme, përfshirë edhe ato arabe. Gjatë periudhës së Al-Andalusit (711–1492), pjesa më e madhe e gadishullit ishte nën kontrollin e dinastive myslimane arabe dhe berbere, çka solli ndikime të mëdha kulturore, gjuhësore dhe arkitekturore.

      Pra, ndërsa termi “iberian” nuk nënkupton arabët, historia e rajonit përfshin një ndërthurje të rëndësishme me kulturën dhe civilizimin arab.”

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