Diese Ökonomen sagen, dass künstliche Intelligenz die US-Defizite verringern kann, indem sie die Gesundheitsversorgung verbessert – er prognostiziert, dass KI das US-Haushaltsdefizit bis 2044 um 1,5 % des BIP senken könnte.



  1. From the article

    >A [working paper released last month](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/the-fiscal-frontier-projecting-ais-long-term-impact-on-the-us-fiscal-outlook/) by the Center on Regulation and Markets at Brookings projects that under the most optimistic scenario, AI could reduce the annual U.S. budget deficit by as much as 1.5% of gross domestic product by 2044, or about $900 billion in nominal terms, lowering annual budget deficits by roughly one fifth at the end of the 20-year span.

    >“The use of AI presents the rare — possibly unique — opportunity to expand access to health care information and services while simultaneously reducing the burden on the conventional health care system,” the paper’s authors, Ben Harris, Neil Mehotra and Eric So, wrote.

    >While the authors name various channels through which AI can increase productivity, they highlight AI’s potential to dramatically improve health care services and public health. 

  2. Wiskersthefif on

    Ah… yes… but I wonder what it’ll do to the wealth gap. Something tells me it’ll only exacerbate the problem, as it gives the weatlhy access to skills without needing to pay the skilled worker for them.

  3. JustABitCrzy on

    That’s all well and good, but given the healthcare system is in the state it is due to intentional mismanagement and ignoring expert advice, I don’t think suddenly having a computer tell the powers at be the same thing will change things.

  4. z00bnonymous on

    Something positive we can do with AI? Can’t wait to see how the government finds a way to skirt around this and do something greedy instead of

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