Neues Pulver, das Kohlenstoff einfängt, könnte ein „Quantensprung“ für die Industrie sein


  1. Missingthefinals on

    New technology that promises reusable carbon capture capability that could be used for different outputs that significantly out performs removal of carbon from the atmosphere

    Could this be a viable way for the world to fight back against climate change? Could each country build and utilise systems like this?

  2. ChillingSoul on

    “Just half a pound of the stuff may remove as much carbon dioxide as a tree can, according to early tests.

    Atoco believes the powder can be manufactured in multi-ton quantities in less than a year.”

    This sounds to good to be true, whats the catch?

  3. I don’t think the article said anything about how much it would cost. Hm…

  4. mecausasui on

    stupid question, but how much cancer does this cause once it inevitably makes it into the water?

  5. AuntieMarkovnikov on

    Funny, it’s a possible “ ‘quantum leap’ for industry” but there are no comments in the article from anyone in industry, just academia.

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