Diese koreanische Dating-Methode wird Ihre Dates dramatisch verbessern



  1. RainyEmotionalAura on

    > “date course” is a term that couples use to describe a plan for a date that involves going to multiple locations in a single day. I am a big fan of this term — and of the entire concept — because I know firsthand that it makes for a much better date than just meeting up for a coffee.

    God I’m glad I don’t date anymore lol. This sounds exhausting.

  2. Satanic_Garlic28 on

    Isn’t the point of a simple sit-down coffee date sharing a long conversation and getting to know each other? If you’re focused on getting from A to B and so on where’s the room for intimacy?

  3. gungkrisna on

    Learning dating methods from a country with a declining birth rate and facing population collapse? Yeah, that’s going to dramatically improve my dating skills.

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