Selenskyj schlägt vor, Land für ein Friedensabkommen abzugeben, wenn die NATO die Mehrheit der Ukraine schützt. Zelensky deutete in einem am Freitag ausgestrahlten Interview an, dass ein Waffenstillstand möglich sein könnte, wenn die NATO die von der Ukraine kontrollierten Gebiete schützen würde, und signalisierte damit einen Strategiewechsel zur Beendigung des Krieges.


  1. PaddyMayonaise on

    I’ve been saying this for 2+ years and get ridiculed constantly in this sub, called a Russian troll, refer ridiculous accusatory DMs, etc.

    Maybe some of you will start taking what I say seriously. This is war, not a team sport.

  2. Downvoted for bullshit headline. Zelensky actually suggested that Ukraine would *only consider a ceasefire* if NATO accepted Ukraine and agreed to guarantee Ukraine’s 1991 borders.

    “Guarantee” here means actively going to war with Russia if Russia doesn’t then immediately use the ceasefire as an opportunity to withdraw.

    That is not “signaling a shift in strategy to end the war.”

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