Kanadische Nachrichtenorganisationen, darunter CBC, verklagen den ChatGPT-Ersteller https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/openai-canadian-lawsuit-1.7396940
thehuntinggearguy on 29.11.2024 5:13 PM Step 1: Sue foreign company for thing you could [easily avoid if you actually cared](https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/12/no-robotstxt-how-ask-chatgpt-and-google-bard-not-use-your-website-training) Step 2: Lose lawsuit because it was dumb to start with Step 3: Make the government go get the money for you
1 Comment
Step 1: Sue foreign company for thing you could [easily avoid if you actually cared](https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/12/no-robotstxt-how-ask-chatgpt-and-google-bard-not-use-your-website-training)
Step 2: Lose lawsuit because it was dumb to start with
Step 3: Make the government go get the money for you