Eine Studie analysierte Daten von über 11.500 französischen Müttern und kam zu dem Schluss, dass die Verschlechterung des allgemeinen Gesundheitszustands einer Frau nach der Geburt stärker ausgeprägt ist, wenn die Schwangerschaft ungeplant ist



  1. giuliomagnifico on

    >The results show that, although all mothers experience a decline in health after childbirth, the decline is much more pronounced in cases in which there had been no intention to have children.”
    >The research has made it possible to see that among mothers who had had unplanned pregnancies, health effects vary according to age. The results show that during the first two years after childbirth, women under 30 endure a sharper decline than older women. “Our interpretation is that unexpected pregnancies can be more destabilising for younger women because their emotional and employment situation tends to be more precarious: some are studying, some do not have steady jobs, etc. However, the long-term perspective revealed that, thanks to their better initial health, they recover more easily than those who become mothers after the age of 30,” explained Barbuscia, a member of the UPV/EHU’s OPIK research group.

    Paper: [Unplanned births and their effects on maternal Health: Findings from the Constances Cohort – ScienceDirect](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277953624008049?via%3Dihub)

  2. Habeatsibi on

    This is natural, because when women prepare for pregnancy, they lead a healthy lifestyle, take vitamins and solve health problems as much as possible.

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