Neues Medikament auf Goldbasis reduziert Krebs um 82 % und übertrifft Chemotherapie


    1. ExceptionCollection on

      All those fools playing around with colloidal silver instead of GOLD!

    2. louiegumba on

      This is definitely not new. People have written monoatomic gold off as a conspiracy for decades when it’s been known as a health benefit.

      Scientists have said it’s fringe and conspiracy bullshit for ages now when it’s been used for longer than we have record for but find evidence of it in writings and physical evidence from sites

    3. ilovestoride on

      Who the fuck wrote this? 

      “However, the compound used in this study is a specially engineered version known as Gold(Gold designed to be reactive and biologically active).”

      Oh that’s not gold, it’s Gold…

    4. kartoonist435 on

      Remember when south park said being around hundreds of thousands of dollars was the cure for HIV lol. Turns out money is generally the cure for all diseases.

    5. DreadPirateGriswold on

      So instead of turning blue, they’ll turn gold right?

      Just like the color of the stripes on the dress.

      We going to start that again?

    6. Nice to know that it’s made from gold, so it will at least be cheaper than chemo.

    7. Small clarification: the Gold(I) complex studied in this paper doesn’t “outperform” chemotherapy, it *is* a form of chemotherapy. It potentially outperforms other, established agents in terms of cytotoxicity (= how good it is at killing cancer cells) and selectivity (= how well non-cancer cells tolerate it).

      These are promising findings, but for context it needs to be said that lots of compounds get to this stage, but are later found to be unsuitable in practice.

    8. LaserGadgets on

      Some countries sell regular medicine like it contains gold, I wanna see the price for this one that actually contains gold!

    9. throw123454321purple on

      So is a prostate cancer drug going to be called “Goldfinger”?

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