Ältere Menschen vs. junge Menschen heute


    Von Sandmansam3rd


    1. JealousInevitable544 on

      And young people will then say the parties offer nothing to the young…..

    2. Wise_Adhesiveness746 on

      TBF the parties leading the polls want to drive the young out of the country for fear we’d ever get change or reform here, actively pursuing policies to make country unlivable for em and near impossible to make a life here

    3. clevelandohio on

      I thought we were saving the young people bashing for after the election?

    4. Starthreads on

      You don’t vote because of the weight of your vote. You vote because it is your right and showing your will to use it is the only way to maintain it. I hope that the other youths of the day will see that.

    5. I’ve spent the last three weeks making TikTok videos trying to simplify politics for young people who previously had no interest.

      I’m waiting for one of the lads in the pub to go “ah, is this you?” And spend the next 6 months ripping me out of it, but it’s worth it if a few young people can make an informed decision today and vote!

    6. Old-Structure-4 on

      Depending on how you define young, a significant chunk are voting for government parties.

    7. I just got back and I was the youngest there at age 40. I admit it’s early in the day but please PLEASE go vote.

    8. There are other issues. When I was younger I missed voting in elections because I didn’t live at home and couldn’t make it back. Older people have a fixed address usually.

    9. Jester-252 on

      I personally can’t wait for the complaint about Friday election call for a Saturday election because students are in 3rd level and can’t get home.

      Despite the fact Saturday election have lower turn out and complaints about students working or weekend plans.

    10. Shmokeahontis on

      I never received a polling card. I intend to chance my arm anyway, but it’s very strange; I’m in my 40s and have always gotten my polling card in the past.

    11. FruitPunchSamurai57 on

      Ah lads it is only half 9 and ye are already moaning.
      It is a week day, I’ll be voting after work.

    12. cavityarchaic on

      i’m 20, and this’ll be my first time voting. really hoping for some actual change after today. i don’t want to be forced out of my home country if nothing changes

    13. I’m 27 and every time I go In it depresses me the amount of people at deaths door voting. The average is is like 60

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