Während übermäßige Bildschirmexposition bestimmte Verhaltensmuster mit Sucht gemein hat, sind diese Verhaltensweisen meist auf tiefere emotionale, soziale oder familiäre Herausforderungen zurückzuführen, wie z. B. unerfüllte Bedürfnisse, Stress oder soziale Isolation.



  1. Competitive_Pack1647 on

    Labelling a child with an addiction unfairly pathologizes them as being a problem. We can look at this issue from a decolonization lens and focus on the relationships and unmet needs.

  2. Sounds like someone who’s addicted to screen time is writing an article justifying use of their screen time.

    It is an addiction in many ways as stated, but the problem is the amount of influence that it creates, which is a self deprecating problem. Not to mention that it’s purposely built that way on a psychological standpoint to keep you on the screen, no matter the cost to the person.

  3. “emotional, social, or familial challenges, such as unmet needs, stress, or social isolation. ”

    These are factors in many addictions, including drugs and alcohol, as well as Internet Gaming (which is in the DSM-5). The latter example also shows that addiction is not limited to substance abuse. A more reasonable conclusion might be to stop stigmatizing addiction in general.

    As far as the “decolonization lens,” it just sounds like you are trying to shoehorn in a buzzword or take the “When all you have is a hammer” approach.

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