Familienpolitik – Fraktionsübergreifendes Bündnis will jeweils 18 Wochen Elternzeit


Von BezugssystemCH1903


  1. AggravatingIssue7020 on

    Oh wow, cross party!

    4months! Revolutionary.

    Just kidding, helps fuck all with the child care prices these days.

    You know how much parental leave northern Ireland grants?

    Or the back watery Serbia?

  2. Wow that will solve things.

    * Near impossible to find a place in creche
    * Near impossible to find bigger housing
    * Near impossible to negotiate a 80% to the employer

    But hey 18 weeks of parental leave.

    Have 3 kids or enjoy a life of care-free childless travels?

  3. Sufficient-History71 on

    It still solves a part of the problem that allows parents to spend more time with their newborns. Rather than opposing it why not support it and ask for more like support for Kita?

    I don’t know why the working class has such low aspirations that they feel they can be given only one of the many things that they deserve.

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