Siyavush Novruzov, der sein Leben damit verbrachte, Aliyevs zu verteidigen, wurde von AzTV wegen einer einfachen Beschwerde über das Sozialsystem verspottet. Auf diese Weise toleriert Aserbaidschan unterschiedliche Meinungen.

    Von kurdechanian


    1. I think, regardless of the person, whoever defends people’s interests even slightly should be praised and commended by others. Everyone loves compliments, but politicians especially like to feel the support of the people behind them. Positive reactions, I believe, can motivate more MPs to side with the people.

    2. Possible-Goal-9824 on

      There is no development without criticism. It seems that the authorities are afraid that such criticisms will turn into “questioning” nature of the people towards the government. Even if social issues and people’s welfare are not in the interests of the current government, it should not put pressure on the officials who share their views on it. This kind of “childish” behavior of AzTV against those who expose the flaws of the government both in Azerbaijan and outside Azerbaijan has become commonplace.

      It is a fact that government unemployment benefits are made up of **defective cows, bees** and other stuff. There are thousands of proofs and sweeping it under the rug will not bring anything good for our future.

    3. datashrimp29 on

      There is a good phrase that in authoritarian regimes, the real opposition is within the government itself. As soon as the oil pie starts to shrink, rats will start eating each other. People should be ready for the chance to change the system. But our ” progressive intellectuals” are busy spreading Armenian narratives.

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