JR wird bei der Überarbeitung des Fahrplans im kommenden März die Anzahl der Nozomi-Shinkansen-Wagen ohne Sitzplatzreservierung von 3 auf 2 reduzieren


1 Comment

  1. frozenpandaman on

    For fun: this could make them… ¥540 more per seat (average) * 85 seats in car three * 161 Nozomi trains per day * 365 days per year= over 2.7 BILLION more per year = $17.7 million extra dollars yearly, *if* all those seats are full. If my math is right? Oh, and this is multiplied by the number of people that use the same seat on the same train during its full run, since hardly anyone rides the full length of the line.

    This is like Delta Airlines removing that single olive or whatever.

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