Hallo zusammen. Ich habe mich gefragt, ob ich irgendetwas tun kann, um diese Wasserflecken, die zwei Blumentöpfe hinterlassen haben, zu entfernen? Gibt es Empfehlungen für Produkte, die ich kaufen kann? Mir wurden 7.000 Kronen für das Schleifen und Neuversiegeln des gesamten Raums angeboten. Bevor ich meine gesamte Anzahlung verliere, möchte ich sicherstellen, dass ich alles andere ausprobiert habe. Danke schön!


    Von ioana2919


    1. Northlumberman on

      Sorry to tell you but I think that sanding is the only option. Even if there were a product that could remove the marks the floor would still look different at that point.

      If you haven’t spoken to the landlord already you could check to see whether they expect you to fix the damage. If it’s an old apartment with lots of wear and tear already you might get away with it.

    2. Barkeepers friend, they sell it at Dollarstore if there’s one in your area

    3. If this is the same process as with restoring water damage on furniture, you’re in for a tough one. The water damage often penetrates many layers of the wood and that is what makes it difficult to repair without actually replacing the area.

      On furniture I’d grind and sand it down to the woodgrain, then use bleach or stain to blend the colors. Maybe 2-3 times until it is barely visible and then finish it with the correct color, but that is still a long tedious process.

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