Sollte man sie kochen? Erhitzen? In ein Sandwich stecken? Essen Sie sie so wie sie sind?

Von theswaggymcnugget


  1. Super_Skunk1 on

    You can eat it like it is, but we normally put it on some bread with some butter or majonese, perhaps some paprika or cucumber aswell.

  2. ghostzombie4 on

    open mouth, put in slice (without the plastic around the slices), close mouth, chew, swallow, repeat.

  3. With happiness and gusto!

    On bread, in lefse with sour cream, on pizza is nice.

    They are great for “grautpinn”, which is to have a little mest snack along with a bowl of porridge, like riceporridge or sourcreamporridge.

  4. Put them in your mouth. No, you don’t heat them, they are already cured.

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