"Ein aktueller @ARTEfr-Dokumentarfilm porträtiert aserbaidschanische Zivilisten, die Karabach als armenische Flüchtlinge gewaltsam verlassen. Das ist kein Journalismus; Es ist eine beschämende Verzerrung.

Und Leute wie Richard Giragosian, im Westen hoch angesehen und ziemlich sachkundig, lügen vor der Kamera unverhohlen Millionen ahnungsloser Zuschauer, die den Film sehen."


Diese Leute hassen Aserbaidschan wirklich. Ich meine, zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt ist es reine Propaganda gegen das aserbaidschanische Volk. Frankreich zu ignorieren war und ist die beste Politik, die Aserbaidschan verfolgen kann.

The French hatred towards Azerbaijan
byu/Kejo2023 inazerbaijan

Von Kejo2023


  1. Zealousideal_Cry_460 on

    Theres no truth anymore in journalism. İts all just agendas now.

  2. Efficient-Judge-9294 on

    Honestly I think Azerbaijanis should support the Kanaks, Palestinians, Native Americans (who are their brethren) & anyone else from Western colonialism.

  3. sentinelstands on

    Yeah this shit. I think it was made like a month ago. Comments on YouTube are filled with obviously clueless fr*nch just yapping about poor armenian blah blah blah

    Honestly western population just gobbles up every single bullshit when it comes to “poor” nations with a gigantic spoon without even thinking for 1 second.

  4. FesteringAnalFissure on

    I wrote about this on a completely different subject.

    Western trust in its propagandic institutions is always fascinating to witness. They get lied to over and over, and it gets revealed after the fact, but because they believe their systems are objectively superior to the rest of the world, they are the heralds of truth and those “others” who speak otherwise, give different information or opinions, are objectively wrong. There is a culturally ingrained belief that they simply know better than any others. Impossible to talk to them on world events because of that: They either agree with you or are against you depending on what their media said. The only thing you can do is ridicule them with the information you have, because they absolutely do not have the information you have lol.

  5. Is it really hatred and propaganda that make French MSM call out a deliberate ethnic cleansing campaign by an authoritarian regime to ride on Azerbaijanis’ continued vengeful attitudes towards Armenians?

  6. Slight-Ad-7283 on

    Bariz faktları yalan şəkildə medyada təqdim edərək milyonlarla insanın beynini yuyurlar. Və bu ilk deyil, bundan başqa 100-lərlə nümunələri var. Milyonlarla da erməni buna dəstək verir. Ən gülüncü isə odur ki, “Ermənilərlə dost olarsınız?” sualına “Mənim əslində erməni dostlarım var” kimi cavablar verir azərbaycanlılar (təxminən 2-3 həftə əvvəl bu sualın verildiyi postu nümunə gətirmək olar). Digərləri nə məntiqlə yanaşır bilmirəm, amma mən ermənilərə sadəcə nifrət edirəm

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