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Von mousti61


  1. Interesting.. it covers most of syria, iran, azerbaijan and iraq? That is a huge claim.

  2. BlueShen98 on

    I have said this before, and I will say this again. I have zero respect for unironic nationalists of any kind, including of Azeris. If you are creating a community that purposefully excludes others based on irrelevant criteria assigned at birth and antagonizing others, you are working against the interests of all, including your own nation.
    Nations are like farts, everyone thinks theirs smell the best.

  3. Leading_Touch_5629 on

    Kurds and Armenians acting like best friends while they claim the same land for themselves.
    The existence of turks in this region is stopping them from killing each other.

  4. reichfuhrer_39 on

    We’re going to see lot more crazier things. One side is becoming irrational nationalistic and ignoring all elements outside their culture. And other side is making things worse, trying to open problems that already solved, and acting so emotional and doing hatred towards of any comments. They both seems liar to me. But I don’t know whats their purpose, the things not getting better.

  5. NotSamuraiJosh26_2 on

    Maybe it’s just my experience but I haven’t met or seen any AZ Kurds sharing these delusions.This is probably the case of some guy in US trying to ignite hate in people

  6. Longjumpingpea1916 on

    What is the general Azeri take on Kurdistan? I’d guess much the same as the Turkish? Obviously this map is just fucking ridiculous but like does a Kurdish state just in Kurdish majority areas not seem like common sense?

  7. EreshkigalKish2 on

    Expansion into dear Lebanon 🇱🇧 so crazy but tbh not surprised

  8. Happy_Olympia on

    It’s funny to watch them start fights over these lands when it belongs to none of them 🤣🤣

  9. Surely,this thing will not collapse in the civil war ,so bloody that China would have been surprised by causalities

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