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Von Personal-Equipment44


  1. Hockeylockerpock on

    Not so much a conspiracy so this might not be the best place to post this but yea theyre nasty degenerate losers who support anything relating to children and marriage or sexual relations. plenty of it all over the internet, not just Reddit

  2. BadPlebian on

    For the entirety of human existence we can document slavery also. It doesn’t mean it’s right.

  3. casinoinsider on

    Pretty sure it would be due to people dying earlier, which isn’t a thing anymore.

  4. aLemmyIsAJacknCoke on

    I mean is slavery that bad? Is it really though? All throughout human history slavery has been totally normal. It’s not until relatively recently that the western world decided slavery was a bad thing.

  5. FallingBackwards55 on

    Some disgusting person made a disgusting anonymous post on the internet! Stop the presses.

    But for real, what’s the conspiracy?

  6. treslilbirds on

    It’s Reddit. They’ll bend over backwards to defend Islam and its heinous practices….its just their culture!

  7. makingthefan on

    The US does this also and there are campaigns to loosen restrictions.

  8. bksatellite on

    Wait until y’all see what bye den dude to under aged girls on video. Spoiler alert, it’s sexual assault.

  9. its funny how the people that claim to hate pedos so much, elected one president.

  10. Connor1642 on

    Reddit has become an ultra Liberal far left platform. Its why posts that a few years ago would have just been in a regular sub are now in r/conspiracy.

    There seems to be a push in the past year or two in media, online and in other areas to normalise what is a completely disgusting trait in some humans. The concerning thing is, where media and the Internet go, society usually follows.

    Being Liberal used to be a political stance, but has started to become almost like a mental illness.

  11. abrahamsbitch on

    This made me want to vomit. And of course they haven’t adopted the idea that an 11 year old girl can’t consent, they barely recognize women as human in the first place.

  12. Putrid_Audience_7614 on

    God damn that fucking sucks so bad for that girl. That’s so fucked

  13. odingorilla on

    I mean to be fair it is a little unreasonable to judge other country’s morality based on our lens – especially when the country is basically living in pre-historic times. That being fair this is pushing it

  14. In my opinion 25 is the best age, everyone under have undeveloped brains.

  15. TrumpDidNoDrugs on

    Child marriage isn’t only popular with brown people in 3rd world countries, Christians in America live it too. Christianity is the only reason you can marry children in America. Libertarians are a big fan too, but they obfuscate their pedophilia with fancy terms like “age of consent”. I’ve always been super confused by the conservative trope of “protecting the children” when they secretly want to have sex with them.

  16. stoned_ape on

    Fun facts: 

    Only 13 out of the 50 United States have banned child marriage (under 18

    ) From 2000-2014, 40,000+ children were married in Texas  The leading states per capita (mobile so fuck the formatting): 

    > Nevada (0.671%)     Idaho (0.338%)     Arkansas (0.295%)     Kentucky (0.262%)     Oklahoma (0.229%)     Wyoming (0.227%)     Utah (0.208%)     Alabama (0.195%)     West Virginia (0.193%)     Mississippi (0.182%) 

    According to data compiled by Anjali Tsui, Dan Nolan, and Chris Amico, who looked at almost 200,000 cases of child marriage from 2000 to 2015:     

    67% of the children were aged 17.     29% of the children were aged 16.     4% of the children were aged 15.     Less than 1% of the children were aged 14 and under.     There were 51 cases of 13-year-olds getting married, and 6 cases of 12-year-olds getting married.  

    > Marriage is currently legal in Missouri at age of 16 with at least one parent’s consent. That’s a relatively recent development: Missouri lawmakers only banned marrying children who were 14 years old or younger in 2018. Fifty lawmakers — 38 Republicans and two Democrats — voted against that bill at the time. Before the 2018 legislation passed, Missouri had one of the laxest child marriage restrictions in the country, which, some argued, made the state a refuge for sex trafficking 

    > A 2021 study by the advocacy group Unchained at Last found that 300,000 minors were married between 2000 and 2018 in the United States. According to the group, 60,000 of those marriages involved an age difference that would have otherwise been considered a sex crime 

    Humans = shit

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