Eine Schule in der Nähe meines Wohnortes in Louth hat alle neuen Poller wie Bleistifte aussehen lassen! Ich fand es eine wirklich nette Geste und dachte, wir könnten hier etwas Positives gebrauchen.


Von BottleOfDave


  1. Watching_You_Type on

    Saw that in Dublin last year. Thought it was a brilliant way to highlight a school zone.

  2. Ok_Remove9491 on

    I saw bollards like this for the first time during Covid and they made me so happy. I like the creativity!

  3. Write in to your local council to let them know you like them. They look awesome hopefully they put some in my area soon

  4. Important_Farmer924 on

    How long before one of those Ireland First cunts shows up to protest rainbow bollards.

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