Intel sichert sich den 7,9 Milliarden US-Dollar teuren US-Chippreis für fortschrittliche Fabriken


  1. MotherFunker1734 on

    Probably they’ll use it as an excuse to keep pumping up their prices. Anything is an excuse for them.

  2. Error_404_403 on

    Less than 8.2 originally on the table, but still good. Will see if they could change their corporate culture enough to actually deliver well on the money.

  3. nic_haflinger on

    Intel already was awarded $3.5 billion from the Chips act to make secure chips for the military. So that’s $11.4 billion in total.

  4. 1Steelghost1 on

    Mean while closes campuses and cuts jobs, seems about corporate thinking to me.

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