[OC] Meine Einnahmen und Ausgaben (25 Mio., London, Großbritannien, mit Partner zusammenlebend)

Von Red_Hawk13


  1. Red_Hawk13 on

    In response to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1gzix9w/oc_my_income_and_spending_25m_uk_living_with/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) from yesterday, people noticed that all his saving would be eaten up by rent if he didn’t live with his parents. Well this is a post in response to that, seeing how we are the same age with similar salary, to give somewhat of an idea what it would look like if he decided to move out.

    Used [sankeymatic](https://sankeymatic.com/) to generate the diagram.

  2. This data is hard to understand without telling us your partner’s income if any

  3. Abigbumhole on

    How are you finding 250 a month for entertainment? What does it look like? I think I’m clearly spending way too much on that. I can easily hit that with a weekend or two out and about.

  4. Objective_Onion5981 on

    So im just wondering if you have a rainy day fund god forbid ur car breaks down or worse you fall ill etc

  5. FatherJack_Hackett on

    From a place of payrolling observation, is your “Gross Pay” inclusive of pension already taken off? I.e. Salary Sacrifice?

    What I’m trying to say is, are you double-counting the pension deduction?

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