Ich beziehe mich auf diesen Artikel über einen Malteser, der eine Immobilie auf Sizilien gekauft hat [https://timesofmalta.com/article/the-maltese-finding-privacy-quiet-sicily-properties.1090625](https://timesofmalta.com/article/the-maltese-finding-privacy-quiet-sicily-properties.1090625). Ich habe die Idee in Betracht gezogen, mehrere Hügellandschaften auf Sizilien zu kaufen; Aber ein Freund von mir, der geschäftlich oft zwischen Sizilien und Malta unterwegs ist, hat mich davor gewarnt, dort einzukaufen. Der Grund dafür ist der „Pizzo“, den die organisierte Kriminalität Ausländern auferlegen kann, die auf Sizilien Immobilien kaufen. Seiner Erklärung zufolge würde der Pizzo die gewaltsame Auferlegung einer hohen Zahlung in Form einer „Versicherung“ durch einen Kriminellen (vermutlich die Mafia) gegenüber ausländischen Immobilienbesitzern oder Unternehmen bedeuten. Hat jemand, der dort eine Immobilie gekauft hat, solche Drohungen erlebt?


Von Sus198


  1. Long_Director_6087 on

    Now i have a good excuse to tell them go to back to Malta 🤠

    Apart from that, i don’t know the ‘pizzo’ thing, but i would suggest to look into Sardinia, i found it much beautiful than sicily

  2. Mafia problems still exist, usually in the form of squatters literally breaking in and not budging.

    Try Spain, a little better..

  3. wrath0nator on

    I own some plots in Sicily, and never faced these issues. One of the plots is situated near “Gela”, the former Mafia-HQ of this region. Even there, no issues. It depends what you do and how you brag around.

  4. kingoftheparsnips on

    As long as the fee isn’t unreasonable and that it comes with assurances that my property would be safe and not ransacked, it wouldn’t put me off. It’s no different to council tax, for example, in the uk. Just you’re dealing with the mafia not the local council 🤷‍♂️

  5. GozoXaghra on

    Safety issues is what keeps me from buying a property in Sicily. Apart from lack of public transport and other amenities. Sicilian property is cheap for a reason.

  6. wesleyD777 on

    Did your friend know anyone personally who is paying the Pizzo on a residential property?

    In my case I have been told the same thing, but nobody that has warned me ever knows the affected people personally, they have just heard rumours. I understand that if you are running a business they will come knocking but for residential property I am dubious this is the case.

    There is a facebook group for Maltese people who live in Sicily, you may want to ask there and get direct info. I tried but as I am a Brit they declined my application.

    I am also looking at property up there. As well as the listing sites there is the Auction site at (https://astegiudiziarie.it/) which is a great resource.

  7. Accomplished-Gear-97 on

    I heard that they only target you if the property is over a certain value and the notary will be obliged to let them know.

  8. Background_Film1422 on

    prices are cheap for a reason. Just wait until they get a wind of Maltese people buying a holiday home there and wait for the pizzo delivery (obvious and lame pun),

  9. obbligovince on

    Your friend doesn’t know what pizzo is and told you a bullshit. No one cares about you and your property in Sicily. Mafia it’s not even interested in small business. They work at different level: big infrastructures, drugs. Basically it’s the same of Malta.

  10. Background-Ad6454 on

    I know plenty of people who have invested there, I haven’t personally however. None of them have had this issue. It’s a rumour that keeps going around but no one knows anyone personally affected.

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