Tausende Barmitarbeiter müssen darin geschult werden, Spitzen bei Getränken zu erkennen


    Von tylerthe-theatre


    1. ChaoticDumpling on

      You’d have thought it was something they already learn when they start a job and are doing the training

    2. EdmundTheInsulter on

      The worst case I can think of I’d Reynard Singha in Manchester who targeted men.

    3. Acrobatic-Muscle4926 on

      I assumed it would be something they would already be doing tbh

    4. PrivateDataLover on

      This is going to be the exact same as ask for Angela, bars will say they’re doing it but won’t, it’ll be a box checking exercise only.

      Also great example of Fake law described by the secret barrister, spiking is already covered by several pieces of legislation, we don’t need additional laws, we need enforcement of the current ones.

    5. Isn’t this going to end up just like the “Angela” stuff the other week? They’ll all watch a training video to tick the boxes under the new law, but it will be meaningless on a busy Saturday night on an understaffed bar.

    6. ammobandanna on

      great… thanks for reminding me we’re about to get a deluge of people getting shitfaced and blaming it on spiking or waking up shitfaced with a bruise somewhere and claiming they got injected with something.

    7. Real-Fortune9041 on

      People need to take responsibility for themselves and people should be allowed to point this out without being labeled a victim blamer.

      Of course staff should be on the look out for predatory and illegal behaviour and those drinking should always keep their wits about them.

      But I feel we’re venturing into territory where people who are working non-stop in long shifts without a break in a high pressure environment (and bar work is this during busy periods) for low pay are about to be held liable for not being able to see every single thing that happens in every corner of the premises.

    8. WantsToDieBadly on

      Is this on top of the “ask for Angela” stuff where bar staff are expected to whisk patrons away from bad dates and the like?

      It’d be incredibly difficult to spot it in a busy bar with people you aren’t closely watching. That person who seemed fine an hour or so ago could’ve downed numerous shots and cocktails. People especially students have very bad intuition when it comes to knowing their limits and get unintentionally blackout drunk, embarrassing themselves and go “it must be spiking” and not that they’ve had an insane amount of booze.

      If I worked as bar staff I simply want to drinks and go home without too much bother. I don’t see why this is the responsibility of often minimum wage employees

    9. brapmaster2000 on

      I dare say this should be the purview of the security, and not the bar staff.

    10. Thorazine_Chaser on

      This feels like puffery to me. From the research I have read the vast majority by far of drink spiking is spiking with alcohol, that is, buying stronger drinks or adding extra spirits to drinks. A far greater problem is just over encouraging, buying drinks fast, encouraging people to drink faster than they usually would. None of this can be accurately policed by a bartender.

      If the training is “watching out for people putting pills in drinks” or the even more ridiculous crowd delusion of people getting injected with substances then it is just a token waste of time.

      Some times, even though we hate that it is the case, the best solution is to encourage safe behaviour from those that would be targeted. Help people understand the risks, try and create a culture where buying drinks for others isn’t common etc.

    11. Douglesfield_ on

      What’s the bar staff going to do when most of the time door staff eject the allegedly spiked people for looking drunk?

    12. It’s depressing that the government is accepting that this exists despite reams of evidence to the contrary.

    13. Friendly_Fall_ on

      I had to tell a barman not to walk away and hide the can to open it next to the till the other day and he looked at me like I was a moron.

      It’s often the bar staff spiking drinks.

    14. ThereAndFapAgain2 on

      I got approached angrily like 4 times in my life by people catching me spiking drinks.

      They were shocked to find out they were my own drinks when I gulped the whole thing down in one go lol

    15. unknown-teapot on

      This has been going on for years. How do you ‘train’ someone to spot something so obvious

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