GoPro-Aufnahmen von Bars-2 Squad aus Jakutien, Sturmtruppler-Rufzeichen: „Bootur“, während seine Einheit von einer feindlichen FPV-Drohne angegriffen wird, während sie sich um einen verwundeten Kameraden kümmert.

Von dronski


  1. Appropriate-Owl5984 on

    I just watched a documentary about life in Yakutia. Not surprising people like this have shown up in Ukrainian territory looking for a payday

  2. Impossible, everyone on this sub told me Russians abandon their wounded, don’t have doctors and use human waves and have suffered 750,000 dead out of the 800,000 ever deployed in Ukraine, while Ukraine will go to extreme lengths to save even the lowliest conscript and definitely, DEFINITELY has never left wounded men behind
    and every bullet a brave Ukrainian defender of freedom and democracy fires kills 1000 Russians

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