Richter bestreitet, dass die Rechtsberatung des Letby-Krankenhauses einen „freimaurerischen Kontext“ hatte – BBC News

Von Fox_9810


  1. Snaidheadair on

    I wonder what the next one will be, people do seem to be returning to the classics like the masons. Maybe some reptilian overlords said she had to go down.

  2. pothelswaite on

    Well, from my readings about the Masons the whole set up is “you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours”. To me that smacks of some sort of helping hand in people’s careers. Even if they weren’t close friends, I bet they both knew each other to be masons.

  3. TheDukeofArgyle on

    Homer a man who calls himself “you-know-who” just invited you to a secret “wink-wink” at the “you-know-what”. You certainly are popular now that you’re a stonecutter.

  4. Sweet_Focus6377 on

    I’m no fan of masons but I don’t see how this has any relevance at all.
    It increasingly appears that her advocates are throwing as much muck as the can to see what sticks.

  5. mollymustard on

    As an HR professional – I have had 2 cases in corporate companies that have related to the Freemasons and potential corruption in the last 10 years. I don’t think we can ever really understand the influence it does have behind closed doors because a lot of it is hidden.

    That said – I think in this situation/context it is a bit of a reach.

  6. QuailTechnical5143 on

    ‘Judge does not go in for old ass conspiracy theories or qanon shithousery’

  7. BuckfastEnjoyer on

    Another normal headline from our normal country. God I hate it here.

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