Nettomigration auf „nicht nachhaltigem“ Niveau, sagt Regierungsberater

    Von JayR_97


    1. CosmicShrek14 on

      It’s fine just keep making life shit for the younger generations and they’ll keep leaving which will make more room for immigrants on top of an already declining population.

    2. CharringtonCross on

      No shit. It’s been at dangerously destabilising levels for years.

    3. SoiledGrundies on

      It’s pretty dark every time you come back to forums like this to see so much stuff removed. Not even in the slightest racist.

      Mods you’re having the opposite of the effect you think you are.

    4. Worldly_Table_5092 on

      Did you know Gen Z is called Gen Z cos it’s gonna cost a Zillion pounds to buy a house?

    5. ZanzibarGuy on

      Is it? I thought immigration was helping offset the fact that people are no longer having enough children to maintain the population?

      I’m pretty sure the ONS has done studies on this, so quite why the government comes out and says basically the opposite puzzles me.

    6. No-Strike-4560 on

      ‘Brexit will let us take control of our borders’

      LOLs at the massive increases in immigrants arriving ever since Brexit.

      Slow hand claps for all the idiots that believed a single word that came out of Johnson/Farage’s mealy mouths.

    7. Well yes, it is. What are they going to do about it?

      The Tories talked the talk and then increased net immigration to insane levels. Labour need to do better.

      Net migration until the mid-00s was never more than 100k per year. That’s arguably a sustainable level (I don’t recall it being a big issue back then, at least), and what we should be trying to get back to. Not just with words, though, but by tightening up immigration criteria massively, and finding a way to deport illegal entrants, or at least send them somewhere that the UK controls that they won’t like so it reduces the incentive to come.

      And since so many are “skilled” workers, we need to improve the training opportunities for people who are already here, too. But if you bring in “skilled” workers from low pay countries, a lot of them will still take “unskilled” work, because minimum wage is a huge amount to them, so bringing these people in also screws over our own people who would be entering the labour market with those roles.

    8. Danqazmlp0 on

      Does anybody disagree with this?

      The issue is that we cannot agree on a solution.

    9. YesAmAThrowaway on

      So that madlad is saying we have too many people and somehow can’t fix understaffing problems in nearly every industry?

      I wonder if maybe the problem isn’t the current amount of people but rather the shit we’re put through for the sake of short term profits. 😵 What a revelation that nobody knew already!

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