**Data Source** : ~4K writing tool dimensions and weights, scraped from various public online sources
**Tools:** R (tidyverse and ggridges)
Edit: If not specified, writing tools were given a general category of material (e.g. a metal pen without specification of type of metal, given the catch-all “Metal” category, same with Plastic, etc.). Densities estimated from the overall dimensions and weight of the writing tool.
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**Data Source** : ~4K writing tool dimensions and weights, scraped from various public online sources
**Tools:** R (tidyverse and ggridges)
Edit: If not specified, writing tools were given a general category of material (e.g. a metal pen without specification of type of metal, given the catch-all “Metal” category, same with Plastic, etc.). Densities estimated from the overall dimensions and weight of the writing tool.