Das Wiederaufleben von Skorbut wirft ein Schlaglicht auf Probleme der Ernährungsunsicherheit in den ländlichen und abgelegenen Gebieten Kanadas



  1. Low_Reflection5797 on

    Never mind that ! The important thing is to shovel as much money as possible to other countrys and make Trudeau look like a climate hero. Why would he give a shit about whats happening in Canada when he has his own self promotion to worry about? The only intrest he has in Canada is stopping pipelines and making it impossible for business to suceed.

  2. squirrel9000 on

    It’s dangerous to portray this as solely a food security issue – nor is it a new problem, though this is certainly a novel manifestation. I work in Manitoba’s biggest hospital complex – i’ve never seen so many missing feet from chronically untreated diabetes arising after decades of ruinously poor diet. You have to want to reach for the orange rather than the bag of chips, before you eat it.

    If they bring in produce, it doesn’t move, and that makes for expensive inventory losses. So they don’t bring it in. This is the fundamental chicken and egg problem of “food deserts” – the exact same thing happens in inner cities, even when just a few km away is a fully stocked No Frills (inconveniently far for someone wtihout a car, but not impossible). You can’t get good food nearby because it doesn’t sell. If 7-11 in the North End could make money selling two carrots for a dollar they’d be all over it.

  3. Informal_Zone799 on

    Would this be avoided by taking 500mg of vitamin C daily? If so I can solve this problem for about 10 cents a day. 

  4. loganonmission on

    Rural areas are rife with people trying to follow carnivore diets and keto diets, and they’re prone to scurvy. Funny how they’re getting scurvy, but they can afford huge amounts of meat just fine. I don’t think this is a food insecurity issue.

  5. While at school we learned that the first nations cured scurvy with infusions of spruce buds. An ancestral knowledge seems to have been lost…

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