Geplante Proteste in Tiflis heute, 24. November: 15:00 – Frauenmarsch; 17:00 – Kulturmarsch; 17:00 – Marsch der Dozenten und Studierenden; 21:00 – Versammlung am Platz der Republik. Die Demonstranten werden zum Parlament marschieren, Zelte aufschlagen, übernachten und gegen die morgige Parlamentssitzung protestieren.

Von elderrion


  1. Common_Brick_8222 on

    Georgians must save democracy in their country! Show to everyone that you will not accept these falsified elections! Future Georgians will live under democracy and freedom, not for bunch of Russian oligarchs

  2. External_Tangelo on

    If this fails, the opposition needs to accept that they have failed as a political force and do not command the trust of Georgian society. If they have brains at all they will dissolve and emigrate, leaving other forces to emerge to challenge GD hegemony.

  3. Garrincha81 on

    Georgians are good, don’t let the government win, the elections are rigged! Look at Ukraine and stick to their course, they are almost in the EU and NATO, you can also be with them, do not let the Russians fool yourself if the United States always gives you weapons for war

  4. Georgian democracy should be for the people of the people by the people. I wish I could catch a protest but plane tickets are getting pricier by the day

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